Ozone also creates increasing popularity as an air purifier around the world. Our homes and offices can be a huge source of pollutants in nature. According to estimates of the Nature Protection Agency, internal pollution is causing tens of thousands of illness per year, and much more through contaminated water. Ozone is most effective as an air and water purifier and is more effective than all other modes of treatment.
Through our services your home will be thoroughly cleaned and you will be convinced of the amazing power of ozone:
• Ozone is a safe, reliable, efficient and effective in sterilization and disinfection
• Ozone kills bacteria and insect larvae, etc. usually only 2-6 minutes
• Ozone for performs excellent deodorization
• Ozone can disperse the inorganic and organic substances, and toxins
Ozone generators are also used for the destruction of all odors in the air caused with things like wet carpet, mildew and mold in the basement, the smell of pets, the smell of smoke, pollen, odors of chemicals, fragrance and color effects of fire.
We also offer small ozone generators that are intended for use in the households:
Ozone is obviously more effective to all other methods of purification. When using AQUA-6 you do not need to buy or store any chemicals or purifying agents or modify any filters. All you need is contained in a small, lightweight AQUA-6 generator. All this for just a few cents a day.
Application of Aqua-6 ozone generator for:1. Portable drinking water for camping
2. Rinse fruits and vegetables
3. Jacuzzi and SPA
4. Bathwater
5. Washing baby bottles
6. Water towers
7. Treating the air in your home
8. Treatment of air in the office
9. Removes mildew and odor from the basement
10. Removes odor from foods such as onions, spices, burnt oil and similar odor in the kitchen
11. Food and cooking
12. Kills bacteria in water and air
13. Ozonated olive oil or other oils in gel or liquid form
14. In large and small tanks, makes the water crystal clear
15. Treats the air by killing bacteria and pollen
16. Applications in medical and dental offices, removes a bio film and sanitizes water
17. Instantly removes smoke and the smell of smoke

Use in the treatment of air
Aqua-6 can be used to destroy all odors in the air caused with things like wet carpet, mildew and mold in the basement, the smell of pets, the smell of smoke, pollen, odors of chemicals, fragrance of color and effects of fire. Simply set the function of generator however you wish to ozonate particular space.

Treatment of fruits and vegetables
Shelf life of fruits and vegetables can be extended with ozone treatment. Not only will retain an attractive appearance, but will also have a fresh taste.
Treating food and cooking equipment
Since ozone kills bacteria and viruses, it can help solve the problem of bacteria on raw food, meats, vegetables, fruits and cooking utensils. For example washing raw chicken meat will help to prevent the development of salmonella.
Treating water with Aqua-6 purge
Aqua-6 purifier can be used to purify water in shelters, wellness, bathroom tubs, fountains and pools. raw city water can be treated, for removing undesirable flavors from it, chemicals, fragrances and flavors, color caused by iron, copper , magnesium, chloride and organic chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides. Do not use stagnant water from suspicious origin or similar.
Treatment of swimming pool and wellness
Aqua-6 purifier can be used in wellness, Jacuzzis, and swimming pool water up to 4500 liters, allowing the user to significantly reduce the use of chemicals. You’ll never have a problem with red eyes, dry skin, pale color jacket or green hair. Ozone is pH neutral, so it will not adversely affect the ratio of aci/alkali in your water. Efficient in the use of chemicals and leaves no odor or taste. Continuously applying proven the most effective method of treating wellness water fountain and large quantities of water up to 4500 liters.
Disinfect toothbrush, denture, etc.
An easy way to maintain your health, gums and prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and microorganisms is to soak your toothbrush about 3 minutes before and after brushing your teeth. That’s all you need to get rid of germs and bacteria that are found in most brushes, which are not so easily washed with hot water. In fact, ozonated water can be used for disinfection of tableware, containers of contact lenses, children’s toys , toilet bowl and anything else that needs to be 100 % free of microorganisms and bacteria.

Gargling with ozonated water every day is a great way to promote good health. Brushing your teeth and gargling with ozone water is easy but also a powerful way to preserve the health of the oral cavity. Casual occurrence resolving bad breath and getting clean and fresh breath. Gargling with ozonated water destroys the microorganisms in the mouth responsible for bad breath.
Gargle for gum health and prevent odor
Gargling with ozonated water every day is a great way to promote good health. Brushing your teeth and gargling with ozone water is easy but also a powerful way to preserve the health of the oral cavity. Casual occurrence resolving bad breath and getting clean and fresh breath. Gargling with ozonated water destroys the microorganisms in the mouth responsible for bad breath.

Remove smoke and odors
Smokers need ozone! The smoke penetrates in all of the material, and it is deposited in them. Ozone oxidizes harmful substances in the sludge and neutralizes odor, even surfaces that are damaged cigarette smoke. You do not have to be a smoker to take advantage of the well-being of this device. Just passing through the smoky cafe is enough for smoke to draw into your clothes. Ozone will actually remove oxidizing it and save you a trip to the dry cleaner. Just make ozone box (for that you can use your closet) put the clothes in, and fill it up with ozone for 20 minutes and get a clean, fragrant clothes.
Ozone oil in liquid form
When ozonate olive oil or sunflower oil it thickens and retains ozone in itself. In this way the oil can be kept in the refrigerator for up to several years.